Varicose veins and sports

Varicose veins and sports
Benefits of sport practice to circulatory system are well known. Regular physical activity is good for heart and lungs and helps in controlling high blood pressure and diabetes. Little is said about varicose veins. Should people with varicose veins practice exercises? What are the recommended sports?

The presence of varicose veins does not preclude sport practice. Physical activity helps to improve pain and swelling in the legs. The best exercises for people with varicose veins are those with low loads and a lot of repetitions. These exercises stimulate circulation and help blood to return to heart.

Sports that require long and continuous deambulation, such as hiking, jogging, running and golf are the most appropriate. Cycling has the same effect. Water sports, such as swimming and water aerobics help to improve circulation and preserve joints against injuries. Team sports, such as football, volleyball and basketball also bring benefits. Dances in general activate circulation in the legs.

The principle also goes in fitness centers. Prefer walking or running in a treadmill, indoor cycling, gymnastics and water exercises. Exercise machines are not forbidden, but one should practice with low loads and maximum repetitions.

Some sports may harm venous circulation and cause worsening in symptoms of varicose veins. People with varicose veins should avoid them. Activities using heavy load, such as weightlifting, rowing and sailing do not improve circulation. Tight boots used to practice ski may harm blood return to heart. People with varicose veins that practice martial arts have an increased risk of injury and bleeding in the legs.

When choosing a sport, the key point is to like the activity. People practice more regularly when they have pleasure in doing it. During the activity, it is important to wear appropriate and not tight clothes.  Adequate and comfortable shoes avoid feet injuries.

